Derains & Gharavi International


“Le nouveau droit iranien de l´arbitrage commercial international”, Revue de l’Arbitrage (1999-1)

Hamid Gharavi

“Arbitration under Bilateral Investment Treaties – An Often Overlooked Tool”, 13.5 Mealey’s International Arbitration Report (1998)

Hamid Gharavi

“Finality and Enforceability of Foreign Arbitral Awards: From “Double exequatur” to the Enforcement of Annulled Awards”, 13.1 ICSID Rev. – FILJ 101 (1998)

Hamid Gharavi

“A Nightmare Called Hilmarton”, 12.9 Mealey’s International Arbitration Report (1997)

Hamid Gharavi

“Chromalloy: Another View”, 12.1 Mealey’s International Arbitration Report (1997)

Hamid Gharavi

“Choice of the law applicable to the contract and international arbitration”, ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin, vol. 6 n°1, 1995

Yves Derains

“La Convention de Vienne sur la vente internationale et les INCOTERMS”, Paris, 1989 (with Prof. Jacques Ghestin)

Yves Derains

“La pratique des INCOTERMS”, Paris, 1988

Yves Derains

Public policy and the law applicable to the dispute in international arbitration” in Comparative Arbitration Practice and Public Policy in Arbitration, ICCA Congress Series no. 3 (VIIth International Arbitration Congress New York 1986), Kluwer, 1987

Yves Derains

“Jurisprudencia arbitral de la Camara de Comercio Internacional”, Madrid, 1985

Yves Derains
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