Derains & Gharavi International


Arbitration and beyond… Une forme de vie? – Liber Amicorum pour Yves Derains

Yves Derains will speak at the conference “Arbitration and beyond… Une forme de vie?” related to his Liber Amicorum on 28 September 2023 in Roma. The event is organised by the Associazione Italiana per l’Arbitrato, l’AIA-CAM Book Club and the Camera Arbitrale de Milano and will be held both online and in person.

Türkiye & ME: 9th Annual International Arbitration & Competition Law Summit

Yves Derains will be one the keynote speakers at the “Türkiye & ME: 9th Annual International Arbitration & Competition Law Summit” conference organised by LegalPlus. He will most specifically speak on how to improve the efficiency of arbitral proceedings. The conference will take place in Istanbul on 21 September 2023.

24th IBA Arbitration Day

Hamid Gharavi will speak on implications of sanctions for international arbitration during the 24th IBA Arbitration Day which will take place in Lisbon from 13 to 14 April 2023.

Paris Arbitration Week: “Kickstarting your international arbitration practice: an intergenerational chat on do’s and don’ts”

Hamid Gharavi will speak at the Paris Arbitration Week event  ”Kickstarting your international arbitration practice: an intergenerational chat on do’s and don’ts” organised jointly by the Global Steering Committee of the YMG of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Obeid & Partners. The conference will take place at Maison de l’Amérique Latine in Paris on 29 March 2023.

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