Derains & Gharavi International


Fourth Annual Cambridge Arbitration Day

Yves Derains will speak on “Approaches to arbitration across the ages” at the Fourth Annual Cambridge Arbitration Day titled “Winds of change: rethinking the future of international arbitration”, that will take place in Cambridge on 18 March 2017.

Conference on construction dispute resolution in Latin America

Yves Derains will speak on the following subject “Temas críticas de las reclamaciones” during  the ICC Conference dedicated to the “Resolución de disputas de construcción en Latinoamérica” that will take place in Bogota on 9 March 2017.

Derains & Gharavi’s hosted conference on “Développements relatifs aux arbitrages engagés sur le fondement de traités d’investissement”

Derains & Gharavi will host the following conference: “Développements relatifs aux arbitrages engagés sur le fondement de traités d’investissement“. This conference is jointly organized by Derains & Gharavi, the Cercle Montesquieu and the Association of Corporate Counsel and will be held at Derains & Gharavi’s premises on 28 February 2017.

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