Derains & Gharavi International


4th GIAC Arbitration Days Conference

Hamid Gharavi will be the keynote speaker at the 4th GIAC Arbitration Days conference dedicated to “Friends and enemies of arbitration” that will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 2-3 October 2017.

Young ICCA Workshop – Madrid 2017

Yves Derains will be the guest of honour speaker of the Young ICCA workshop “Efficiency and costs in international arbitration : a practicum” that will take place in Madrid on 22 September 2017.


Hamid Gharavi will speak on the topic of “Should Iran ratify the ICSID Convention?”at the 2nd Joint TRAC/ISTAC Conference that will take place in Tehran on 5 July 2017.

20th Annual IBA International Arbitration Day

Yves Derains will speak on the topic of “The role of the Tribunal in the assessment of the burden of proof, inquisitorial v. adversarial arbitrators” during the 20th Annual IBA International Arbitration Day dedicated to the burden and standard of proof in international arbitration and related proceedings, in Milan, on 30-31 March 2017.

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