Derains & Gharavi International


February 2016

The black box of conflicts of interests

Melanie van Leeuwen will speak at the joint CEPANI-NAI colloquium dedicated to « The black box of conflicts of interests », in Brussels on 9 June 2016.

ICC Masterclass for Arbitrators

Yves Derains will chair the ICC Institute Masterclass for Arbitrators: “Overview of fundamentals and best practices related to serving as an arbitrator” and speak about the “Relations between arbitrators”, the “Role of the Chairman” and the “scrutiny of awards by the ICC International Court of Arbitration”. The event, organised by the ICC Institute of World Business Law, will take place in New York on 22, 23 and 24 February 2016.


Time for an appellate/permanent system for investment disputes?

Hamid Gharavi will speak during the roundtable “Time for an appellate/permanent system for investment disputes?” organised by the Scottich Centre for International Law (SCIL) of the Law School of the University of Edinburgh, on 13 November 2015 in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Second Pan-American Arbitration Congress

Yves Derains will speak on “Onerosidade excessive, caso fortuito ou força maior. O dever de mitigar danos” during the Second Pan-American Arbitration Congress organised by the CAM-CCBC in São Paulo on 26 and 27 October 2015.

La réforme du système de nomination des arbitres au CIRDI

Derains & Gharavi will organize together with Conventions a conference on “La réforme du système de nomination des arbitres au CIRDI” in Paris on 13 October 2015. Yves Derains and Hamid Gharavi will speak at this conference.


Istanbul as a Finance and Arbitration Center

Hamid Gharavi will speak at the Istanbul Economics and Finance Organization Conference dedicated to “Istanbul as a finance and arbitration center” in Istanbul on 22-23 October 2015.

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