Derains & Gharavi International



“La révision des sentences dans l’arbitrage international” in Law of International Business and Dispute Settlement in the 21st Century, Liber Amicorum Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel, 2001

Yves Derains

“A guide to the New ICC Rules of Arbitration”, Paris, Kluwer, 1999 (with Eric Schwartz) – Spanish translation, Oxford University Press, Mexico, 2001

Yves Derains

Co-author of a Panorama de jurisprudence américaine together with Eric Ordway, published in les Cahiers de l’Arbitrage:

  • Gazette du Palais, 2001, 2nd part, page 32
  • Gazette du Palais, 2001, page 55
Bertrand Derains